Zebras in Andersonville???

February 12,2012 | By Rusty Payton

Zebras in Andersonville? Well, No. But, I didn't have anything better to write about today until I came across an article that finally has a plausible answer for the age-old question: Why do zebras have stripes? Many have speculated that it was for camaflogue or perhaps an elaborate way of identification. Those theories have been debunked as far back as Darwin. An article in the Economist magazine puts forth a new theory backed by scientific evidence. What researchers have discovered is that the zebra's vertical pattern of stripes allows the animals to fend off horse flies and the African equivalents. Turns out that the eyes of these pests are attuned to solid colors and horizontal color contrasts. The zebra's vertical pattern of black and white seems to serve as nature's way to cloak the zebra from the pest. Who woulda thunk. Now the next time you see a zebra in Andersonville looking for a chicago apartment or perhaps a cup of coffee, you can know the animal's true raison de exista

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Prevent Bed Bugs in Your Chicago Apartments. Learn How

February 7,2012 | By Manuel Brown

I know, this is not a topic that anyone lies to discuss or think about. But, the fact of the matter is that bed bug infestation is on the rise in Chicago and many other cities. If you have ever encountered the nasty creatures you know what a menace they are. Better to be prepared and knowledgeable.

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